“Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”
- Exodus 33:19
while back, the Lord kept showing me a picture of a massive drop of golden
liquid hanging in the air. It was translucent and glistening, and it was rich thick
like honey. As I walked into worship and began to sing and pray, the Lord gave
me the following vision. I was looking up to the heavens and suddenly the sky
above me was covered with a sheet of honeycomb. The honeycomb stretched from
one end of heaven to the other and the pockets of honey were vibrating to the
sound of worship. Then, as I was looking in anticipation, the Lord changed my
perspective and I was watching the honeycomb from heaven’s side.
As I was looking at the throne room, I saw Jesus
standing there in Kingly attire. The entire room was filled with His glory and
draped in golden light, as if everything was made of translucent gold. Jesus
was standing on the backside of the honeycomb. It was as if a sea of honeycomb
stretched across the heavens. He had a golden staff in His hand and He took His
staff and pounded the honeycomb floor three times.