Thursday, December 23, 2010

Grains of Wheat

A while back the Lord showed me a picture of wheat fields, golden wheat fields, far and wide. The Lord was walking the wheat fields and on His back was a massive bundle of wheat. And the Lord said, tell my people “I have walked the wheat fields, and have gathered each and every one of you from the harvest, and I have carried you, yes, carried you upon my back, through the wheat fields. Every grain has been counted. Every kernel is vital to me and to my kingdom, and I have purchased you, I have bought you for a price.
Then I saw the Lord sitting by a river next to a flat rock. He had in His hand a bundle of wheat. Slowly, He stood up and began to thrash the wheat upon the rock.... As he trashed the wheat, the wind rose and blew away the chaff from the kernels of wheat. He gathered the wheat with the palm of His hand and moved it into a pile in the center of the rock.
With His palm, he began to crush the wheat, grinding it into a fine powder..., into flour. As he worked the flour with His hand, he reached into river, scooped a palm full of water, and then stirred it into the flour. As He drizzled He worked the flour back and forth, back and forth, until a sticky mass was formed. He reached into His sash and pulled out a vile of golden olive oil and drizzled it in as he worked it.... Then He stopped – looking intently..., and said, “I knead you!” I need you!”

You see, it is through this kneading process that the Lord can develop the gluten to sustain us and carry us into the next level. The Lord spoke and said, “Tell my people that within every grain of wheat in My kingdom there is a network..., and this network can only be developed through the process of kneading.”
You got to get this, when He kneads us together (and individually) He develops an elasticity – this elasticity is a powerful network of strength so that when He blows His Holy Spirit upon us (this dough) it expands and raises (like the pockets of air in a loaf of bread) - raises to that higher calling in Him. But, like baked bread – the bread of His presence, it can only be used when it is broken – and given away.
During this time I started to reflect upon people - their lives - and what God's heart was for them. Here is a glimpse of what I believe the Lord desires to speak into the hearts of some.
·        Some may be feeling that they weren’t sure how they fit into the body or what their place is in Christ– and God wants them to know that they are grains of wheat in the palm of His hand. They are vital to His network and the bread that He is about to break. That He desires that they press into Him and know how vital they are – for He needs them!
·        Others might feel that do not understand the pressure in their lives, the weight that appears to be coming against them or why things appear to be going wrong. Still others may feel dry and out of kilter. Yet the Lord wants them to know that this pressure is only for a season, a season of building – to add the needed structure to their lives – to bring about a new elasticity. What the Lord is bringing to them in their lives, they will need the muscle of His presence. He is about to release tremendous blessing upon them. That through this process of thrashing and kneading – through this process of being sweetly broken, there is His tender love, and that He will, in the midst of this season, bring about sweet refreshing – the water of His presence will wash away and revive. Yet, it is through this process – that He is preparing you for a new thing – The season of your destiny is about to unfold.
·        Others, may feel like cracked wheat, like their past has somehow disqualified them to serve in a meaningful way –  yet God wants them to know that he sees beyond the crack – He sees who they really are in Him. That He has come to heal their identity, to release them from condemnation and shame. He has come as the lifter of their heads. He has come to give them a new vision. He has come to heal their relationship in Him. No longer shall they be down cast, no longer shall their name be called broken hearted..., for He is the lifter of their heads, and He shall bind up the feeble knees, heal the broken hearted, mend the broken bones, make straight the crooked paths, and strengthen those that are weak of heart. The Lord, even this day, shall begin to restore the years that the locust have eaten.

Oh, just one more thing.... The Lord showed me a picture of a coat of many colors being placed upon the bride
–  and like the robe draped upon the prodigal son, so a fresh outpouring is coming, and many will begin to turn and/or return to Him. They will be drawn by the wardrobe of the bride, for she is about to reflect the glory of the Son of God. The colors of this robe are the endless possibilities in Him, it is a coat of equipping, a coat of radiance, a coat of honor and of peace, a coat that will draw the lost unto Him. No longer will we side with the accuser of the brethren.... Grace for grace – tender mercy is beginning to fall again. And the many colors of the kingdom are about to shine forth.
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. I release myself to accept the coat! Clothe me Lord with your endless possibilities, your mercy and grace, honor for the brethren and peace with all, joy unspeakable, and love to lavish on others! Yea God!
