Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Shaking

The poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst; I, Jehovah, will answer them, I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. I will put in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, and the myrtle, and the oil-tree; I will set in the desert the fir-tree, the pine, and the box-tree together: that they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of Jehovah hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it. Isaiah 41:17-20 (ASV)

...And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow every tree for food, whose leaf shall not whither, neither shall the fruit thereof fail: it shall bring forth new fruit every month, because the waters thereof issue out of the sanctuary; and the fruit thereof shall be for food, and the leaf thereof for healing. Ezek 47:12 (ASV)

This year there is going to be a gracious shacking in the kingdom of God. The shacking is a shacking of release into greater levels of love, mercy, and tenderness. This season is a season of harvest. This harvest is the harvest of the fruit trees of heaven. From across spectrum of the kingdom, trees that have been preparing, growing, and basting in His presence are moving into the realm of release and fruit-fullness. Let me explain.

During prayer a short while back, the Lord brought me to a quiet place. All around me, I saw ripples of water, as if I was submerged in an ocean and my eyes were just above the waterline. I was looking at the water and the water was vibrating all around me with the presence of Jesus.

As I watched the ripples, suddenly, I saw the face of Jesus. It looked as if he was sleeping with his face against a golden silken pillow. However, as I watched, I realized he wasn’t sleeping at all. He was tenderly embracing the surface of the water. I understood the water as being the water of your life as a child of his. 
Your life was infused with the water of His life. His life was fluid and it covered you. He was so enveloped in tender love and passion for His desire over you that, as he laid down, in tenderness, he began to breathe upon the surface of the water. And as he breathed his breath moved upon the surface of the water causing ripples - and the ripples became waves – and the waves rolled out until they became a tsunami that flooded the whole earth.

Then I heard as it were a tender song like the song of a lullaby...

The breath of the Lord is upon the waters
The breath of the Lord is upon the waters
His tender love is upon you
His tender love is embracing you
He is caressing you with the depth of His embrace
His love for you is stirring, stirring, stirring the deep places of your heart.

His love is fluid... his fluidity will overcome you in this season. His flowing love will bring rapture to your souls and a release of revelation and knowledge of Him - His heartbeat, passion, and love. His peace and presence will move upon you like waters upon the surface of the deep. His breathe will be upon you like the dance of the wind, shaking, shaking, shaking the very pillars of your soul.

He is wooing you to a deeper place - a place of saturation, yes, marination...
...Marination that will bring transformation

And the ripples he is sending from you will be a proclamation to the nations.

What is produced in this season of tenderness and love will bare incredible fruit. During this season of marination and transformation, lives are going to change and fruit that has been ripening upon the vine in the last season is about to be released upon the face of the earth.

Let me explain...
As I was watching the water, it all became quiet and dark like the night sky....
Then I heard the Lord say,
I am shaking and shifting the structures of the earth and calling for fruit in this season. I am bringing in the harvest and causing My voice to sound out in the highways and byways.
 - like a mighty whisper I am penetrating the hearts of many..., and many, many, many shall hear and come unto to me.
Byways shall become highways - crooked places shall be made straight. Plow horses are being sent out and the breaches are being repaired.

Almond Trees:Then I looked and saw Almond trees shaking in the wind and as the almonds fell to the ground branches sprung up and the almond branches began to bloom. And the Lord said,
I am calling forth My almond branches, my royal priesthood, and they shall begin to bloom in the land and cause a fragrance to fill the air and begin to change the atmosphere.

Apple Trees: Then I looked and saw Apple trees shaken by the wind of His presence. And apples started to fall to the ground. And as they fell, I saw workers of the harvest - the gathers collecting baskets of apples. And the apples were collected and brought into the kitchen of the Most High God.
And there they were prepared, and the aroma of simmering apples began to fill the atmosphere of heaven - apples laced with cinnamon and raisins. Apples laced with sugar and spice. And He took these fragrant apples, wrapped in the bread of His presence and baked them as pies - and then cut into wedges - and He said,
 With these wedges, I will pry open the dark places and transform doors that were once closed, windows of heaven...; this is the process of My presence.
And the Lord said,
You are the apple of my eye and the desire of My heart and I am preparing you and enfolding you with My presence and for My purpose. And I am about to serve you up to this planet and invade those that are, so-called, hard to reach - and to those hard to reach places.... And they shall open their doors to you because you bear my fragrance and you are sweet and have simmered in My love.

Date Palms: And then I looked and saw the mighty Date palms of the desert. And they began to shake. And I saw dates falling from the mighty palms. And I heard the Lord Say,
I have planted some of you at the gate of the desert and you have flourished in the dry places and have grown in the desert places and now I am beginning to release your fruit.
And the Lord said,
In this desert place, I have courted you, yes, I have dated you and showered you with My adoration and My love.  And because you have grown in the desert place, I will cause you to become a river of life - and this desert will be transformed into fertile fields. And gardens will grow and harvest will come, and your branches will be as shade to the broken.
God is shaking the desert places, bringing sweetness to the barren lands - making you as date-nut bread to a hungry people.

Fig Trees: Then I looked and saw figs falling in the orchard and the figs were transformed into fig-nutons, flakey and rich in flavor and aroma. And I heard the Lord say,
I am releasing my figs upon the land and opening realms of creativity and invention. And My people will be a catalyst of creation - speaking creative life into this season.

Pine Trees: Then I saw Tall pine trees lining the Mountain of the Lord and the Pine trees started to shake. And pine-cones started to fall and when they fell they revealed pine nuts, and the pine-cones became cones of protection. And the pine nuts began producing tress - that became ladders for others to climb the high mountain places of God.

Then I saw pesto blended with the basil of praise. And I saw shrimp marinating in the pesto and God was calling those who were small in their own eyes to change their identity. And He said,
the small are about to become great in might. No longer consider yourself as shrimp in my Kingdom... for you are monster prawns, yes giants in the land - and you are flavorful prawns - prawns in the hands of a master chef who is about to serve you up as a new course for this generation. You are mighty pine trees planted upon the mountain of the Lord.

Tomatoes: Then I saw the Lord walking in the tomato fields. And as He walked, ripe tomatoes began to fall to the ground. And the Lord said,
This is a new fruit in the land, a new crop that will penetrate the public places. They are a savory fruit, and the meat of their calling will stretch across boundaries and touch the high places - yes even the pentacles of power. And they shall release the flavors of Heaven to those that many say, cannot be reached - But I say, these have been created, to reach into that place and to transform that dominion into the dominion of heaven.

Ancient Seeds: The tide is turning and the plates are shifting - glory, glory, glory. I looked and saw the mighty plates of the earth beginning to move and shift. As they shifted I saw mighty seeds being exposed, sprout, and grow. They were Ancient seeds planted from the hand of the Ancient of Days. And these seeds are about to be released into the earth. And the Lord said,
My people are about to bring forth a mighty root system in the earth that will shake the very foundation of the land. Trees, trees, trees are being shaken - and fruit is coming forth.

This is a new season. This is a season of change and transformation. Press into his tenderness towards you. Press into the waters of life. Drink from the ocean of his love until your branches are so plump with his heartbeat – that your fruit falls into arms of the nations – ripe and ready for a hungry people.
This is your year. This is the year of fruit-fullness... Press on Church and let his love overcome you....

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