Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can we Sustain Revival?

As one who grew up in the Jesus people movement, my fear is that as we move on from generation to generation, the reality of what God birthed in those early days of revival would turn into a watered down version of His original intent. Before God breathed life into that young hippy generation, much of the church was living in black and white (like a black & white TV set with rabbit ears), never knowing that color existed – never knowing that the kingdom of Heaven is nothing but color. Then Jesus caused this awesome revival to take place and suddenly, there was a family of believers that saw the kingdom in HD Technicolor... and everywhere they went they painted their communities from the color pallet of the kingdom and God became a powerful living God, for the average Joe – and everybody got to play.
No more was the kingdom set apart for the chosen few – the gate to the city of God was open for all the sheep to come in. It was a priority! Advancement of the kingdom through the fresh breath and color of Jesus, through signs and wonders rooted in love, was our passion. There was no hype – it was new and it was refreshing. And it was available to all with no reservations. We were a church of trainers, constantly building up the body of Christ and equipping the Saints for the work of ministry.
My worship prayer, so often is... .
... Come Holy Spirit...
...Come Holy Spirit...,
Send your pow-er, oh Lord - Our God...
Send your pow-er, oh Lord , our God...,
and Light the Fire again..., and don’t let it go out.
You see the lyrical cry of our hearts is real – and we need to be revived again. We want it done to this new, young, generation – and more so.

I fear, if we aren’t careful with what God has given us we will become like Israel was in the days before Samuel – “... the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation (open vision.)” and our eyesight becomes dim and we won’t be able to see like we should. I fear that we may become satisfied with the church moving along believing that dimness is normal, it’s the status quo. Then we will find ourselves just going through the motions, lighting candles, shuffling chairs, and singing songs about Him ... instead of to Him, in a soaking humble way, worshipers resting at the master’s feet, washing His feet with the perfume of our tears and whipping them with our hair. I fear that this new generation won’t see the beauty of Jesus in all His color.  
Historically that has happened to so many churches that were birthed in revival.
Lord let not that happen to us. Teach us to sustain what you have birthed!

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