Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Face of Change

I thought I would share with you what the Lord showed me a while back. I want to write out these moments of inspiration for reflection, as power points of meditation. Signposts if you will....
I was looking up at the heavens and I saw the sky stirring like the underside of a hurricane. Something was stirring in the heavens. As I watched the heavens stir I so the wind descending like a storm, stirring..., as it stirred the sky was filled with the wind and the wind became the face of Jesus.
I felt the Lord was saying that He was stirring the heavens to bring about a change in relationship. That no longer will His children strive to serve him but that he was drawing us into a season, from servant hood to friendship. That no longer will we be content with seeking from his hand, but we shall become His hand, for he is wooing us to the place of close friendship, where we will be able to rest our heads upon His shoulder, and He will whisper into our ears the secret things of the kingdom. He will lean on us and draw us into a new closeness.

Then I saw Him stretch forth His hands – the hands that were wounded, and His hands filled the heavens. It was as if he was pointing to His wounds. He reached out and took hold of the hands of His children, like a grandmother or grandfather would grasp the hands of a child. And I understood that transference was taking place. That He was giving an impartation of Himself to His friends, to His bride – that we would see His heart and what wounds Him. As if, there were new levels of compassion and deliverance coming, that the wounds were a portal to His heart and a point of outflow to His body.
Then I saw the hands of those he held. And they had imprinted upon their hands... His wounds – That their hands became His hands – that they were to reach out and touch the wounded, touch the captive, touch the lame and the blind, touch the poor and the needy. I felt as if the closeness that he was drawing his children into would be a season of revelation, where the whispers in our ears would become actions... points of power with purpose. He was taking us to a new level of worship in which His hands become our hands and His touch becomes our touch. We would no longer just look to be clothed in Him, but that He would be clothed with us. This place of closeness would be as the heartbeat of the Song of Solomon, where the beloved and the lover would begin a Holy dance and we, as one, would dance our way through the harvest and leave behind us - blossoms of His glory.

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