Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thoughts on Visionary Language

Visionary language is very important to the Holy Spirit. It is like shouting from the rooftop. God often uses this type of communication to stir us up and to raise our vision of how big and awesome He is.
It is like a father walking with his child through a crowded street. The child is clinging, grasping tight to his father’s hand as they weave in and out of the crowd.
The child knows that their on a mission but has no real idea where he is going or how they are going to get there. All he can see is belts and elbows..., he can’t see beyond the sea of bodies in front of him. Then suddenly, the father picks up his child and throws him upon His shoulders. And suddenly the child is brought into a new reality of clarity. The road has taken on a whole new dimension of direction.
God does not use visionary language because he is into drama or envious of Steven Spielberg. He uses it to plant seeds of direction, seeds of a deeper understanding, and seeds of faith in His mightiness. God uses visionary language to expand our way of thinking and to bring us into alignment with His kingdom purpose. God is dramatic! And what He desires to do is very extreme and very dramatic. But that is His very nature. He is just looking for someone to partner with Him and dream a bigger dream..., then align and co-labor with-him – so that His mission moves forward.

So often I find myself digging for crumbs in the carpet when the Lord has hot loafs of freshly baked bread in the oven waiting to be served. I know in my heart the God is not the Lord of crumbs but bread. Yet, I struggle to connect my actions of asking with the realization of the words of James - ... you have not, because you ask not... – and I pray, God, expand my dreams, and cause my reality to be what I know you to be.
My heart cries out, expand my reality to embrace the Kingdom – and proclaim.
We have to understand that what we have and what we are doing is so small compared to what He wants to do among us and through us.

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