Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sounds of the Shofar

While driving to church a while back the Lord showed me a mountain (or large hill). A man dressed in white with a yellow sash around his waist was standing on the mountain with a shofar in his hand. He was looking at another man, dressed in the same apparel, on a mountain to his left – and he started to blow the shofar. Then the second man began to blow as he looked to a third on his left, and then the third blew, and the forth blew, and so on until the sound of their horns surrounded the valley and the Glory of the Lord filled the valley. The Lord had knit together the sound of their horns, like a battle cry. Each one was encamped around the valley, north, south, east, and west.
As I heard the sound I shouted “Hallelujah,” with rhythmic intensity, I would hear the sound, and shouted Hallelujah – over and over again. And I knew that these men on the mountains around the valley were outposts that God had planted across the country, and I continued to sing – Hallelujah – it was like a war cry – that had a sequence and a unity to it, a common call for common ground.
Then..., when I got to church and started to worship the Lord showed me the following:

The Shofar

The Lord again showed me the man on the mountain – only he did not have the horn, he standing there waiting with expectancy for something to happen. Suddenly, the wind began to blow around him like a tornado. It started at his feet and became larger and bigger until he was wrapped in the wind..., and the wind formed into a shofar in his hands and he began to blow – a shofar of holy wind. And the Lord said,
In times past my people would run to the fire, they would run here and run there, to Brownsville, to Toronto, to wherever my fire was burning. But today is a new day. In times past, your running only took you “so-far” but today, I am doing a new thing. I am raising your vision, I am changing your perspective, I am causing you to see at a higher level. No longer will you run here and there, for what I plan to do in your midst, is in your midst. Take off your shoes. Look at the ground you are standing on. For it is Holy.....
As I looked, I saw bare feet standing on dry ground and suddenly the ground became wet with his presence, the earth had yielded up its springs and the water was rising. Then the Lord said,
The very soil you are standing upon shall release my presence for it has been stored up for this day. For if the very rocks would cry out, how much more will the land give way to my servants. God said, You shall bloom where you are planted. For what I did in pockets across the land in the past, I will do to you..., here, today, for this is the season of the unity of my presence and my outpouring is not for the few, but for the many, and I shall cause you to climb higher – and see my endless possibilities for you in this region.


Then I saw ladders, wooden ladders being handed out to everybody in church. And I saw myself starting to climb the ladder and I looked around and across the horizon of heaven I saw the hundreds of people ascending and descending the ladders of heaven, and the Lord said,
I want to take you higher; I want to change your perspectives – not only your place in my kingdom, but your place in me. For I have opened the heavens to you, the sheep gate has been swung wide and I am calling you to press in and climb higher, and know the depth, and width, and the height of my love. Yes, I am going to change our relationship. I desire to see you, face to face, I desire that you would come to me with open arms, even as I, at this very moment, have my arms open wide to you. For you are accepted in me – you have place hidden in the reassesses of my heart. Climb higher my children and know how much I love you.

A Staff of Almonds

Then the Lord showed me a wooden staff from an almond tree, and suddenly the staff began to bloom and almonds began to grow. And the Lord said,
The staff, is a staff of dreams. Many of you, some old, some young, have heard the promises of my heart for you. And you have carried them with you, along the way. However, in your waiting you have forgotten the dreams I planted in you. Well, look, behold, the staff in your hands is about to bloom. Don’t say, my days are past or I am too old, or ... I am too young and inexperienced, For even as Aaron’s Rod blossomed in the house of the Lord, because he was set apart for me, so you are chosen in me and I shall be glorified. The rod of dreams is about to unfold. Stretch forth your arms and receive from me – and begin to dream again.

A basket of summer fruit

Then the Lord showed me everyone in the room with their arms held out. As they stretched out their arms, baskets from heaven started to fall, full of summer fruit. Then I saw the church with baskets of fruit in their hands, walking the marketplace, giving away fruit from heaven. And the Lord said,
this is love... this is love... this is love...
and the people that received the fruit were healed, and touched, and blessed..., and the eyes of the givers of the summer fruit had changed, for they all had the eyes of Jesus, and each moved with a heart that burned with compassion.
I began to pray – touch my eyes Lord that I can see what you see. Pour upon me your love God, that I can be a distributor of your summer fruit.
We are living on the cusp of change. The intersection of Heaven has come upon us and the Lord desires to carry us to a new level in Him.
Dear Lord, please draw us into you, and release the spirit of expectancy in our hearts that we will glorify you! Lift us higher and give us dreams of fulfillment for today

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